1. Simplevr Speaker-independent Voice Recognition Module Program For Mac Os
  2. Simplevr Speaker-independent Voice Recognition Module Program For Mac 7

SimpleVR speaker-independent Voice Recog. $34.50 $19.99 Save: 42% off. Featured - more. SimpleVR speaker-independent Voice Recognition Module. Voice Recognition Module is a compact and easy-control speaking recognition board. This product is a speaker-dependent voice recognition module. It supports up to 80 voice commands in all. Max 7 voice commands could work at the same time. Any sound could be trained as command. Users need to train the module first before let it recognizing any.

In article <6890> pa...@cs.washington.edu (David Keppel) writes:

Simplevr Speaker-independent Voice Recognition Module Program For Mac Os

| >>>Good speech recognition hardware can't be more than 5 or 10
| >>>years away, can it?
| >>>-Peter Schachte
| diamond@csl.sony.JUNET (Norman Diamond) writes:
| >Well, in 1956, in an advertisement on the back cover of ScientificFor

Simplevr Speaker-independent Voice Recognition Module Program For Mac 7

| >American, speech recognition equipment was only 4 years away.

| And 1989 - (1956 + 4) = *29* years. Now we're down to only 5 or 10.
| Say, that's progress!

-- It's here! -- But how come there are no Speech Recognition boards for the
Macintosh? There are plenty for IBM PC's. Both Speaker Dependent (you have to
teach them your voice first) and Speaker Independent (they'll recognize
anybody's voice, but only recognize a limited vocabulary of words)

Here are some speech recognition products that are available today for IBM's:


VOTAN Voice Card: Using continuous recognition, vocabulary words may be spoken
in a natural, conversational flow withourt having to pause between the words.
The board recognizezs words from a user's library of word templates. The Votan
Voice Card will hold approximately 300 continuous templates and 300 isolated
templates Through the use of vocabulary swapping the vocabulary size is
constrained only by the computer's memory. The Votan Voice Card has been
field tested at 100 decibels with 99% accuracy. The card can operate in any
language. [Votan, 4487 Technology Drive, Fremont, CA 94538 (415) 490-7600]

Voice Control Systems VCS1000 is a multifunctional speaker-independent voice
recognition module for IBM pc's. The VCS 1000 comes with specialized
vocabularies such as the 'Voice Director' module which allows the recognition
of 41 control words such as On, Off, Begin, Stop, Faster, Slower, Left, Right,
Up, Down, Forward, Backward, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and zero). This module is
useful for factory machine control. Other modules are available and it is also
possible to connect the VCS 1000 to the telephone line for speaker independent
voice recognition over public switched telephone network.
[Voice Control Systems, 14140 Midway Rd Ste 100, Dallas, TX 75244 214-386-5555]

Covox, Inc Voice Master PC Digitizer with Voice Recognition is capable of
recognizing 64 user-trained words or phrases. User can control the vocabulary
syntax and recognition accureacy. Recognition voice templates can be saved to
disk. Speech recording and recognition software can be used together for a two
way verbal exchange with your computer.
[Covox, Inc, 675 Conger St, eugene, Oregon 97402 (503)-342-1271]

Speech Systems Incorporated Speech Input Development Syste allows recognition
of continuous speech. Not only words, but also phrases and complete sentences.
SSI's Speach Input Development System can recognize speech from a variety of
speakers. (i.e. it is Speaker Independent)
[Speech Systems Inc, 18356 Oxnard St, Tarzana, CA 91356 (818)-881-0885]

DRAGON Systems Inc. VOICESCRIBE voice recognition systems allow an active
vocabulary of 1000 user difined words and phrases with 99.5% recognition
accuracy. It is language independent and functions equally well in noisy
environments. It operates on a speaker dependent basis, or with proper
training from a cross-section of people, on a speaker independent basis.
[Dragon Systems, Inc 90 Bridge St., Newton, MA 02158 (617) 965-5200]

Westinghouse Voice Systems Series 1000 Voice Data Entry System offers Speaker
Dependent Voice Recognition for data collection. It also offers text to speech
voice synthesis.
[Westinghouse Voice Systems, East Park 1, Rodi Rd. Pgh, PA 15235 412-825-3500]

Astronics ASTROVOIS Voice Operated Information System offers a vocabulary of
1000 speaker dependent words for industrial inspection systems. It is a
standard size PC card and comes with 8 diskettes of software.
[Astronics, 12501 Prosperity Dr Ste 250 Silver Sprg, MD 20904 (3012)-680-0880]

The Voice Connection InfroVoice VI offers Voice Recognition and Speech
Synthesis for the IBM PC/XT/AT and PS/2 Model 30. It is a half-size circuit
board that offers voice recognition of 500 words with an accurace better than
[Voice Connection, 17835 Skypark Circle, Ste C, Irvine CA 92714 714-261-2366]

*** So where are the Voice Recognition systems for the Mac??? ***
- Anybody have experience with any of the above mentioned products? Comments?
- Anybody know of any other Voice Recognition products for the MAC or IBM?
- How about Voice Response (Touchtone) Systems (ala WATSON)?

---end of forwarded message---

SimpleVR Speaker-Independent Voice Recognition Module


Wanna build voice recognition system? Want anyone to use your system without training it in advance? Here comes the SimpleVR voice recognition module.
SimpleVR is a speaker-independent voice recognition module designed to add versatile, robust and cost effective speech and voice recognition capabilities to almost any application.
Different from another voice recognition module Speak Recognition, Voice Recognition Module V3, SimpleVR is speaker-independent. You don’t have to train it. And it could recognition standard voice command from any speaker.

1、Support maximum 64 groups, each group can contain maximum 2000 sentences.
2、Support English and Chinese (Mandarin).
3、Each command could be a word or a sentence.
4、Very easy to operate.
5、1 uart port with fixed uart baud rate 9600.

Download the manual to see the detail of examples.
Control from PC :

Control from Arduino :

Library for Arduino
SimpleVR Command Tool(English)
SimpleVR Command Tool(Chinese)
Product List

1、SimpleVR Voice Recognition Module x1
2、Mic x1
3、4 pin cable x1